In Need of Dining Advice? Tablehopper’s Your Girl


Marcia Gagliardi knows food. 

And San Franciscans know her.  In the past eight years since launching her e-newsletter and website Tablehopper, Gagliardi has been tirelessly working, digging, frontiering—nay, battling—to expose the Bay Area’s best-kept culinary secrets.  

But don’t make the mistake of comparing her to Michael Bauer (one is quite enough, we think) or calling her website a blog.  Gagliardi doesn’t try to conceal her identity or pretend she’s just another anonymous table in the crowd (have you seen her red curls?), and the reliability of fresh content means diners can count on her smart and sassy advice week after week.  (A recent review of A-16’s new outpost in Rockridge cautioned about the scissors that are served with the pizzas, “Not a good place to break up with someone since your date could cuuuuut you.”)

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Krista Dossetti